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Piles is indicated by inflammation or swelling of the tissues in the anal area. Internal piles are more common than external piles with a range of sizes. Internal are usually located between 2 and 4 centimetres above the opening of the anus while external occur on the outside edge of the anus.



  • Most symptoms are not serious and they normally resolve on their own
  • A hard, painful lump around the anus
  • After passing stool you might feel that the bowels are still full
  • Blood in stool
  • The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore
  • Experiencing pain while passing stool
  • Anal bleeding
  • Inability to control bowel movements


  • Increased pressure in the lower rectum
  • Swelling of blood vessels around the anus
  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Using force when passing stool
  • Hereditary
  • Age factors
  • Pregnancy (it might cause increased pressure in the body)

Prevention and Precautions

  • Include fibre in diet
  • Consume high fibre foods
  • Take high fibre breakfast cereals
  • Low fat diet
  • Avoid constipation
  • Maintain good bowel habits
  • Don’t hold urine and stool
  • Consume at least six to eight glasses of water daily
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine containing drinks
  • Be gentle to your anal region, especially while using dry toilet paper
  • Maintain ideal weight
  • Regular physical exercise
  • Stool softeners

Lifestyle and Dietary Tips

  • Take high-fibre diet
  • Consume high fibre foods
  • Eat cereals in breakfast
  • Avoid fat
  • Be physically active
  • Maintain good bowel habits
  • Don’t hold urine and stool
  • Consume lots of water daily
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Keep proper weight
  • Regular physical exercise
  • Use wipes over toilet paper

Home Remedies

  • Consume lot of water and fluids
  • Eat almonds
  • Include whole-grain in your diet
  • Take cooked oats and barley
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Raw strawberries
  • Avoid low fibre foods
  • Avoid white bread
  • Stop alcohol and caffeine
  • Avoid foods that irritate your bowels
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