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Respiratory Problem

Respiratory Problem or breathing problem is the condition when there is difficulty in breathing.


  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Chest congestion
  • Cough
  • Wheezing
  • Laboured breathing
  • Shallow breathing


  • Cold
  • Sinusitis
  • Allergies
  • Asthma

Prevention and Precautions

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid exposure to pollutants
  • Lose weight if you are overweight
  • Manage blood pressure
  • Avoid dust and fumes
  • Avoid pollution
  • Protect your lungs
  • Avoiding exercise in hot conditions
  • Avoiding allergens

Lifestyle and Dietary Tips

  • Don’t smoke
  • Monitor air quality
  • Avoid dust and fumes
  • Avoid pollution
  • Protect your lungs
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Maintain ideal body weight
  • Stay active
  • Lose weight
  • Exercising
  • Sticking to treatment plans for underlying conditions

Home Remedies

  • Deep breathing
  • Pursed-lip breathing
  • Inhaling steam
  • Drinking black coffee
  • Eating fresh ginger
  • Lifestyle changes
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